Cloud solutions from Bern

Your infrastructure directly from the cloud

The outsourcing solution for foundations and companies in all industries.


The solution for agricultural accounting

The solution for agricultural trusteeships.


Drawing in the Cloud

Use graphics-intensive applications as SaaS from our data center.


Cloud platform for software manufacturers

We help you to offer your software as SaaS Cloud solution.


Unified Communications

The cross-platform communication solution from the cloud.


“Our solutions are suitable for companies, industries, foundations, communities and software producers of all sizes.”

Concentration on the core competence

Operating and maintaining a complex IT infrastructure is probably not the core competence of your company – ours is!
We implement the desired applications, develop interfaces and help you to realise and implement your ideas.
The solutions are available from our own data centre, from Microsoft Azure or on your own server infrastructure.


Application development

New technologies offer a myriad of new possibilities for almost every company. You know your business, we understand the transformation into the digital world. Together we develop concepts for the digitization of your business processes or create products that generate added value on both sides. We develop individual and sophisticated applications for you and build interfaces to existing systems. Our promise is this,
to operate the developed applications professionally, maintain them and modernise them as required.

We work in a self-developed, novel organizational structure - based on Holacracy and therefore without a hierarchy.

Nach dem Motto „ich bin verantwortlich“ arbeiten wir im Team und mit viel Selbstverantwortung. Bei uns treffen diese Menschen die Entscheidungen, die dafür am besten geeignet sind. Grundsätzlich suchen wir Leute, die besser sind oder besser werden wollen als wir selber heute sind! Wir wollen eine effiziente und flexible Organisation, die uns dynamisch und agil hält.

Etwas mehr erfährst du in unserem Infopro Codex.

Wie das alles genau funktioniert erklären wir dir sehr gerne persönlich, einfach kurz vorher Bescheid sagen und dann vorbeikommen, bei uns ist jede/r willkommen.

Service overview

What else we can offer you

Our partners
